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Home and living PAY LATER Online departmental store - Buy Now Pay Later!!

Home and living is Established in 2017 and Today Home and Living is most preferred PAY LATER Online departmental store.

We know that customers always look for “Value for Money”, especially when it comes to products they buy for their home. Hence, at, we have tried our best at conceptualizing how to transform your home into a luxurious as well as pocket-friendly abode.

It is our commitment to self that we provide to all our customers the latest trends and enhance their shopping experience while concentrating on a quality that is never compromised upon. Consistency is the key to success and at Home and Living, we try our best in consistently making available new offers for all our customers as well and Nothing to pay upfront.

We also want to let our customers feel at ease while they shop and thus, we have introduced plenty of options to buy and not spend a penny on the spot.

We have partnered with ZipPay, AfterPay, latitudepay, Kalrna and Laybuy to help you feel free and shop. These payment gateways are like small pieces of cake while your entire shopping bill is a huge cake. Through these gateways, you can choose to slowly pay for each piece of cake rather than burning a big hole in your pocket by paying for the whole cake.

We are an online superstore when it comes to all your home and living needs. Have a look at how we have added these gateways to our product categories.

  • Home and Garden

    Looking for options to enhance the beauty of your Home and Garden? If yes, then we are here to help you out in decorating the home and garden of your dreams. From Gardening tools to Green shades we have got you all covered. Buy things that make your home more organized and pay later with ZipPay, AfterPay, Latitudepay, and Laybuy.

  • Furniture

    Get classy Furniture from a varied range and style with our AfterPay store. Whether you want to buy portable furniture for your home or contemporary furniture for your living space, we have got you all covered with new and unique styles.

  • Mattress

    Home means comfort and comfort is all that matters when you are at home. Make your life more comfortable with a vivid range of high-quality Mattresses from our AfterPay store. Buy your comfort now and pay later for it with ZipPay, AfterPay, Latitudepay, and Laybuy.

  • Outdoor Furniture:

    Build the aesthetics of your home in a classy way while you make it much more comfortable for yourself and extremely inviting and enticing for your family and friends. We have ensured that our entire Outdoor Furniture Afterpay range is made from durable and resistant to wear and tear material. Decorate your garden afterpay and make it appealing while making using of Outdoor furniture ZipPay to pay for it without burning a big hole in your pocket at once.

  • Pet Care

    Pets are definitely the ones that deserve our undivided attention. Why not buy some love for your lovelies? We are here to help you out to buy the best supplies for your pets. From stroller’s, pets' bed to pet’s food we offer you all to showcase your love and care for your pets.

  • Baby and Kids

    Planning to gift something to your kids? Or want to take a little extra care of your baby? Well, we are here to support you in pampering your kids without thinking about money. Be it a swing set, toy bike, toy car, or any other product our AfterPay store offers a lot of options. No matter what your kid’s age is, you can find a lot of ways to choose from to pamper your kid.

  • Electronics and Appliances:

    Electronics and appliances add to our lives in plenty of ways that are way past just our comfort or amusement. They enhance our lives while upgrading us to another level along without compromising on comfort. You can make use of the deals made available by AfterPay Whitegoods to grab enticing bargains to better equip your life with all the electronics and appliances you need.

    You can save a lot of money by making use of the deals given by the AfterPay gateway. Have you been eyeing a Tablet since a while. Place your hands on it right now by making use of Tablet AfterPay and be a proud owner of it immediately.

  • Fitness Equipment

    Let not money come in between you and your fitness. With our AfterPay store, get help in attaining the fitness and health that you always wanted to achieve. Buy all fitness equipment from Dumbbells to modern treadmills in one go without worrying about money buy our store and pay later for it with ZipPay, AfterPay, Latitudepay, and Laybuy.


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